During your South Carolina workers’ compensation case, you are likely receiving weekly payments while you are out of work or limited at work. These payments are known as temporary partial disability (TPD) or temporary total disability (TTD). Unfortunately, sometimes these checks do not arrive on time. This is extremely frustrating for employees and can create a large financial burden, especially because these checks already tend to be less than what you were making prior to the injury or illness.

This article will discuss why your weekly workers’ compensation check may be late, what to do if your check is late, and how our team fights for you. Should you have any questions or do not yet have a reputable workers’ compensation attorney on your side, contact our office today at (803) 888-2200.

Reasons Your Workers’ Comp Weekly Check May Be Missing in South Carolina

Your weekly check may be missing for a number of reasons. This includes, but is not limited to an:

  1. Accident – There is always a chance that your check has gotten lost in the mail;
  2. Error – For example, the insurance adjuster may have forgotten to send checks out on time;
  3. Intentional Hold – It is possible the insurance company has unexpectedly and wrongly withheld your payment to try and pressure you into settling your case.

Whatever the cause for the delayed workers’ compensation weekly payment, you can rest assured that our team will fight to protect your rights and ensure you and your claim are being taken seriously.

What To Do If Your Workers’ Compensation Weekly Check Does Not Arrive on Time

Should your weekly temporary disability check not arrive on time, you should contact your workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible.

Your legal team would rather be made aware of the issue immediately and verify that your check was sent than have you wait a few days and be in an even worse financial situation down the road.

Once you notify your attorney that your check has not arrived, we will immediately contact the insurance claims adjuster to figure out what is going on. Usually, they are able to quickly help us figure out the cause of delay. 

Depending on what caused the delay, your legal team will come up with a game plan. For example, we may just have to wait a day for it to arrive in the mail, or we may need to file a motion for a hearing on an insurance company’s unilateral termination of benefits.

No matter the cause, we will help you understand the reason for the delay, your options moving forward, and get started on the resolution as soon as possible to best protect you and your loved ones.

Filing a Hearing Motion Due To Missing Weekly Checks

If your weekly check was intentionally withheld, your lawyer will file a hearing with the court. This could take weeks or months depending on the court’s schedule.

However, a primary reason for filing it is to put the insurance company on the clock, utilizing the law to our advantage, and putting as much pressure as possible on them to reinstate payment in the meantime.

Ultimately though, a hearing in front of a commissioner through the Workers’ Compensation judicial system is the only way to actually force a company to reinstate coverage if it is still owed. 

Is It Common To Be Missing My Weekly Check?

Yes, unfortunately, it is quite common to at some point not receive your weekly check on time. We would estimate that around 75% of all South Carolina employees on workers’ compensation will at some point face delays in their payment.

Contact the Workers’ Compensation Lawyers at Cavanaugh & Thickens, LLC Today

If you are already a client of our firm and did not receive your latest weekly benefit check, please contact your attorney or paralegal as soon as possible by emailing or calling our office at (803) 888-2200. 

If you have not yet hired a workers’ compensation attorney for your case and are looking to obtain a qualified, award-winning lawyer, please don’t hesitate to call our office today at (803) 888-2200 or complete our secure online form for a free consultation directly with a reputable lawyer.